Tuesday, July 10, 2012

July Outdoor Courses

In the last month I have been doing a few outdoor courses.  The latest was this past Sunday at the climbing tower at the Rif sport center.  The focus of the course was rope technique & safety for outdoor sport climbing.

A short list of resources that I recommend to the course participants are:

1) Sportkletterfibel, Österreichisches Kuratorium für Alpine Sicherheit
2) Seiltechnik (3. Auflage, 2008), Michael Lacher & Heinz Zak, Osterreichisches Alpenverein
3) Roch Projects (Salzburg & Berchtesgaden Kletterführer, Auflage 2011), Joachim Mayrhuber & Timo Gastager, Dreyer Ventures & Management
4) Vertical Secrets (Technik, Training & Medizin fürs Sportklettern), Peter Keller & Andres Schweizer, , turntillburn GmbH, Zürich

I enjoyed being able to help and work with all the Madels - thanks Martina, Nicole, Karolina and Nina for a great course!  Click on the slide show to get into the web album and download photos.

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