Monday, April 27, 2009

AIS-Salzburg Outdoor Climbing

The kids in the American International School - Salzburg climbing course have been able to get outside to climb on the climbing tower at the University of Salzburg Sport Center in Rif. I am really impressed that all the participants have made such progress in their climbing abilities. More importantly, the group is very safety conscious when belaying, always looking out for each other.

It makes a tremendous difference when beginners, such as those in the climbing course, put in the time climbing indoors. The kids have really accummulated the hours climbing and gained security whch is then transfered to climbing outdoors.

Checkout the slide show by clicking on the pictures. You can then download the pictures you want from the album!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Alpine Training Advice

The video link from Kelly Cordes is some great advice about training for alpinism. Codes is the editor of the American Alpine Journal and a product tester for Patagonia.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

AV-Salzburg alpine.ausbildung Frühling & Sommer


Skihochtouren: Venedigergruppe (Johannishütte), 30. April - 03. Mai, 2009
Highlights - Großvenediger über Lammerrinne, Großer Geiger über Happ Scharte

Firn / Eis Kurs: Taschachhaus im Pitztal, 11. Juni - 14. Juni, 2009
Highlights - Nordwände wie Petersenspitze, Hinterer Brochkogel und Wildspitze

Hochtouren Kurs: Glocknergruppe (Stüdlhütte), 10. Juli - 12. Juli, 2009
Highlights - Großglockner (Event. über Stüdlgrat), Romariswandkopf Überschreitung

Mehr Infos & Anmeldung:

Monday, April 6, 2009

Weekend of Firsts

This past weekend was the first spring weather of the season. Sunny, warm, T-shirt weather. My wife and I were able to get in a number of "firsts". First long day of sport climbing outdoors, first time climbing at a new crag, first mountain bike ride and of course, first time in our favorite Bavarian Biergarten.