A very Merry Christmas to all and best wishes for all your endeavors in 2014! I am very thankful for all of the wonderful experiences that I have shared with partners, clients, course members and others in 2013. The season is always a time for gratitude and reflection on how fortunate I truly am.
Today my wife and I took a walk and gave some Salzburg homeless people on the Kapuzinerberg food and various items of clothing. Jennifer calls it "Renegade Santa". Giving to people who are lacking, unfortunate and in need. Directly having contact with the homeless, talking to them and interacting, is a practice that allows one to see how lucky and blessed one actually is.
Haven't looked at your blog for a while! Wow, I am impressed. There is a UE reunion brewing and Dianne and I are plotting to go. She asked if I had heard from you lately and I googled you and there you were! If you are in the Evansville area second week of April, let us know!!! C.
Hi! what a surprise to see your comment. I will be doing some sport climbing with two clients during the second week of April (Easter) through the beginning of May in Kalymnos. Before that I have a group for a 10-day ski traverse from Chamonix to Zermatt. So there is no chance to fly over to the states around that time.
A ue reunion would certainly be fun. and i haven't seen all of you in such a long, long time. Hope it works out for you to go to the reunion. If it does, than give my best regards to all! Joe
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